Digital Audio Review spends some time with the 105D.

"OPPO aren’t a company afraid to move with the times. Firmware updates, installable from the settings panel via USB or direct from the Internet, have steadily piled on the features since the BDP-105 first arrived in late 2012."

Electronic House reviews the BDP-105AU

"You might think that by now it’s hard to make a Blu-ray player that stands out in a significant way. You’d be wrong." Electronic House is always impressed by the only name for AV enthusiasts: OPPO. Read reviews like this or talk to people in the know - you'll hear time and time again that our flagship BDP-105AU is the one to beat. Electronic House couldn't agree more.

Hi-Fi Choice thinks the BDP-103AU is a great choice for audio setups

Our BDP-103AU certainly covers all the bases, says Hi-Fi Choice. If you want to get the most out of your CD collection, while enjoying top quality Blu-ray and media without breaking the bank, there's no other answer. For audiophiles, AV enthusiasts or anyone after a universal player, this all-rounder is tough to top.

PC Mag reviews the BDP-103AU

PC Mag loved our BDP-103AU Blu-ray player, making it their new Editors' Choice. That's no minor accolade either - that's an award reserved for products that consistently exhibit exemplary quality. Well, there's nothing more deserving than our customer-favourite BDP-103AU Blu-ray player. Feature-rich with quality in droves, this is the player to beat in the market.

Best of 2013 award for BDP-105AU from SoundStage! Network

For the top performance and most versatile use, the BDP-105AU is undoubtedly the best of 2013. Following a sterling review earlier in the year (they were really smitten) the BDP-105AU was a shoe-in for the best Blu-ray player on the market today. What sold it was not just the exceptional sound and video quality, but also the wide-ranging versatility of this AV all-rounder.